Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Numerology: Soul Purpose and Life Purpose


Soul Purpose and Life Purpose can be confusing.

Life Purpose is about your career what you are accomplishing in this lifetime (scuba diver, circus trainer, tour guide). 

Soul Purpose goes deeper - right to the core of your being. Soul Purpose is being rather than doing - to be yourself and have the courage to express that being.

Life presents many challenges: death, divorce, earthquakes, illness. Within the midst of these challenges, your soul must find its oasis of peace.

Now suppose in a numerology reading, you discover your Life Path is a "9" You don't want to know about Life Purpose because you have a successful career as a school teacher. But how about Soul Purpose? The deeper meaning of life?

Nine's are all about humanity. Attention to environmental issues, saving the planet and serving their fellow man fit the picture of a "9's" reason for being. Expressing themselves through humanitarian channels resonates with the "9" energy guiding each beautiful soul towards its purpose. 

Guide is the key word here as a numerology reading is intended for guidance. Once you have a true understanding of your unique soul purpose, synchronicity will come into your life, and coincidences will flow into your experience. 

Why not go for it? I'm offering free numerology readings, either written in an email or private message or via zoom.

You can contact me through my website:

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